Kirsten Weiss

May 6, 20221 min

Paranormal News! 6 May 2022

--By Maddie Kosloski

Nessie sightings, psychology and the paranormal, and more! It's the paranormal news of the week!

1) The best footage in 20 years of the Loch Ness monster! And it's honestly not all that great. But it's still the best!

2) The psychology behind ghost stories. Do we need ghostly tales in our lives?

3) Psychology Today explores the phenomena of "crisis apparitions," the "vision or sense of a loved one after death," and leaves us with more questions than answers.

4) The Salem Witch trials influenced the 2007 couture collection of Alexander McQueen.

5) The UFO briefings to Congress began this week, but national security agencies still aren't taking UFOs seriously.

Happy birthday, Dad.
