Welcome to another weird week of paranormal mystery! Here's the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum's top 5 news round-up for the week of August 15th.
1) Do you know your ABCs? I.e. Alien Big Cats? Yeah, I didn't know it was a thing either.
4) Yes, it's another Bigfoot sighting, this time in Hyde Park, NY, where apparently he was swinging from trees.
5) And if you're bored of Bigfoot, we have Thunderbirds! (Maybe).
6) And because I can't seem to get away from UFO news (even though we don't have UFO exhibits in the museum), there's a new Pentagon task force on UFOs.
About the Author
Maddie Kosloski is the imaginary proprietor of the fictional San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. You can read about her cozy mystery adventures in the Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum series of books.