Maddie Kosloski

Oct 19, 20181 min

Paranormal News! 19 October

Halloween fun seems to be crowding out the actual "news" of odd paranormal happenings this week. So this week's list is more "about the paranormal" than "news of the paranormal." But 'tis the season, so why fight it?

1) A roundup of reported paranormal road hazards in the UK.

2) What the heck are shadow people?

3) 🛸Why do we see mysterious lights in the sky? 🛸

4) Ghost-tour guides share their spookiest, real life experiences.

5) The mythology of the doppleganger (sorry, I don't know how to add umlauts on this blog).

And a bonus item, since I didn't have any news stories: The Scariest Urban Legends in Every US State + the Insane Math Tests You Have to Take to Become an Astrologer

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the fictional proprietor of the imaginary San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. You can read about her exploits in the cozy mystery series, The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum!

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