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Writer's pictureKirsten Weiss

A Little Salt with that Spell?

Updated: Oct 20, 2024

--By Kirsten Weiss

Salt is a common component in magic spells. For centuries, salt has been believed to have protective and purifying qualities, as well as the ability to absorb psychic energies. On a witch’s altar, salt can represent the earth element. And did you know salt is a base element in alchemy?

In The Elemental Detective, my metaphysical detective, Riga Hayworth takes advantage of her trip to Kauai to buy some of the more exotic salts for her spells. But even she admits for everyday magic and protection, table salt is a great option. Specialty salts can get expensive – who can afford to create magical barriers along doors and window sills with pricey Dead Sea salt? Here’s a quick run down on the properties of various salts:

Table salt: Though it lacks the glamour of the more exotic salts, plain table salt generally works just fine. Contrary to popular belief, Kosher table salt is not blessed by a Rabbi, and therefore has no “extra” magical properties. In that sense, it’s no better or worse than “regular” table salt.

Sea salt is perceived as a step up from table salt, because it’s more “natural” and has undergone less processing.

But for protection, the “ultimate” salt is black salt – not the volcanic stuff found in the Hawaiian islands, but salt mixed with ash from a sacred fire or ritual. Riga is a suspicious type, and doesn’t trust the stuff sold in the local metaphysical shop. She makes her own.

Himalayan salt is pink due to its higher iron content. And magically, iron represents the earth and the universe. Therefore, it may be used in rituals involving protection during out of body experiences and shamanic journeying to other realms.

Like pink Himalayan salt, Alaea Hawaiian sea salt is enriched with red clay which contains iron oxide, and therefore has similar properties to Himalayan salt. Traditionally Hawaiians have used Alaea salt in healing rituals and ceremonies to purify, cleanse and bless their tools and canoes.

Black Lava salt (also from Hawaii) is sea salt mixed with activated volcanic charcoal. Activated charcoal is an absorber, excellent at removing toxins – psychic and physical. As such, it works particularly well in purification rituals.

Dead Sea salt – because of its connection to the Holy Land and because of its healing properties – is popular in purification and protection spells. Dense with minerals that have bubbled up from deep within the earth, it also feels really nice in a bath, aiding relaxation. So it can be a good choice for rituals involving submersion, for example to break negative psychic contacts, using a spell such as the one below:

About the Author:

Kirsten Weiss writes genre-blending steampunk suspense, urban fantasy, and mystery, mixing her experiences and imagination to create a vivid world of magic and mayhem.

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