1) Has anyone watched Ghosts in the Hood? I haven't had a chance, but it looks like a lot of fun.
2) And in haunted travel news, why is this Rajasthani village cursed? And haunted? And possessed... Just kidding about the possessed part.
3) Salem is planning a new witch memorial at Proctor's Lodge, the believed site of several witch hangings. I actually found the memorial in the old cemetery quite moving, but another won't hurt.

Part of the cemetery memorial to the victims of the Salem witch trials.
4) And speaking of witch monuments, have you visited the monument to Maggie Wall in Scotland?
5) Okay, I've got a cat who can see ghosts in my Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum series, but this story of a man who sold his "psychic" and very freaky cat for nearly $100k, is... It's got to go in a book.
About the Author
Kirsten Weiss writes genre-blending cozy mystery, urban fantasy, and steampunk suspense, mixing her experiences and imagination to create a vivid world of magic and mayhem.