...about the next two books coming out this year, Gingerbread Dead from my Tea and Tarot mystery series and Night of the Cupid in the Wits' End series. They're both whimsical comedies and both feature holidays--Christmas in the case of Gingerbread Dead and Valentine's Day with all its romantic expectations in Night of the Cupid. Gingerbread Dead also has three scone recipes which I'm really enjoying, and I hope you will too!
I really, really, really enjoy writing comedy, and these two cozy mystery series let me do it. That said, I do have plans to tackle a spin-off witch mystery series which will be a bit more in the tone of the Doyle Witches.
I don't have all the links up yet, but the books will be available on all the usual retailers. And check out these great covers!
How much fun are they? Just check out this teaser for Gingerbread Dead!