--By Maddie Kosloski of the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum
Yes, we're open! There was some minor flooding downtown, but the sandbags held and the paranormal museum was undamaged. So we'll be continuing with our regular operating hours and scheduled programs. Don't miss Hyperion Night, from Beanblossom's Tea and Tarot, has he explains his method for reading Tarot cards this Saturday evening!
1) Thank heavens for webcams. The Loch Ness monster may have been caught on one. (You can also watch the museum webcams at night to catch any paranormal action).
2) For a long time, I've maintained that the supernatural is a part of human existence whether we like it or not. Now, The Science(TM) proves it!
3) Trailcam video catches spectral figure following a pair of hunters. And the image is... creepy.
4) The scientific method requires the results of experiments to be replicable, which is a problem for the paranormal. Or is it? Mitch Horowitz argues for parapsychology, at least, there is statistically significant evidence when experiments were replicated.
5) Elvira says she warned Brad Pitt her mansion was haunted before he bought it. He bought it anyway.
