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Publishing Schedule 2021

I'm one of those people who have to tell people what I'm going to do in order to force myself to stick to deadlines and do it. The stench of potential failure works strongly on me.

So, here's my publishing schedule for 2020:

February 18th: War of the Squirrels, book 4 in the Wits' End cozy mystery series. (I actually have a cover for this book, see above).

April 30th: Damsel in a Dress, book 5 in the Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum cozy series. I just got the cover for this book too (above).

June 30th: Unbound. This is book 10 in the Doyle Witch series and book 9 in the Riga Hayworth mystery series. How? It's a crossover, told from the point of view of Jayce Bonheim and Riga Hayworth. It will be published within the Doyle Witch series, but it's about 50-5o Riga/Jayce, so if you're a Riga fan, be sure to watch for it.

August 31st: Never Say Chai, book 4 in the Tea and Tarot cozy mystery novels.

Sometime in October: I'll be publishing a Riga Hayworth novelette in the Moons, Magic, and Mystery anthology. Since I'm not running the anthology, I don't know the exact date yet (and I'm honestly not sure on the title), but last year it came out in early October.

October 31st: The Bantam Menace, book 5 in the Wits' End cozy mystery series.

November 30th: Susan's Advent to Murder. I'm taking the mystery game I ran last December and turning it into a short story, so you may have already read this one if you played the game.

If I don't make these goals, feel free to send me a shaming email. Honestly. It helps.

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