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Rest. Reflection. Self-awareness.

Often confused with meditation, contemplation is something quite different. A meditator may observe their thoughts, but their goal is to just observe. With contemplation, we think, we dissect, we question our assumptions.

Contemplation can be a way to gain clarity on a problem, but it can also be a way to uncover which of our thoughts aren’t true. Because our mind can and often does lie to us. Our mind tells us stories that aren’t always correct. This can make us anxious and insecure.

There are many different methods of contemplation, such as prayer, journaling, working with a deck like this one, or just thinking over a problem. Whatever method you choose, the goal is to dig deep.

The Symbols:

The clear, calm, reflective lake represents clarity and a peaceful state of mind. Crystal bowls, which can be used in contemplation or meditation, are believed to help heal us physically through the power of their vibration. Likewise, contemplation can have a positive physical effect.

The smiling Buddha reminds us to sit with what we’ve learned and to forgive ourselves. We’re human; it’s a given we’ll make mistakes. But true mastery means acknowledging those errors, learning the lessons, and moving forward.

The Questions:

Are your beliefs around the situation correct? Are you sure?

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