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Doyle Witch Wallpaper

Get witchy with wallpaper for your phone, in black & white or wine red!


Here's how:


Click the appropriate link below to download to your phone. Open the image on your mobile device, then save to your Camera Roll/Photos.


Android Users: Go to Settings and Wallpaper. Find and choose the option for lock screen in the top-left corner. Choose the wallpaper image you just saved, and you’re done!


iPhone Users: Go to Settings and find Wallpaper. Tap “Choose a new wallpaper.” Find the new wallpaper image, then tap “Set” and tap “set lock screen.”


B&W iPhone 5 

B&W iPhone 6

B&W iPhone 6+

B&W Android

Wine Red iPhone 5

Wine Red iPhone 6

Wine Red iPhone 6+

Wine Red Android

You Say Witch like it's a bad thing phone wall paper in red from the Doyle Witch mystery series by Kirsten Weiss
You say Witch Wallpaper in gold from the Doyle Witch mystery series by Kirsten Weiss
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