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Maddie Kosloski

Paranormal News! 27 October 2017

paranormal news of the week

Welcome to another week of paranormal news from San Benedetto's one and only Paranormal Museum!

1) Has an alien mothership been spotted on Mars? If it's anything like the mothership in Independence Day, let's hope not. Though in fairness, this looks less like a classic mothership and more like something out of Flash Gordon.

2) Friendly ghost stories from Calaveras County, home to the Witches of Doyle! (Which is really Murphys). Do the witches know? (FYI, the Twisted Oak tasting room is one of my favorite spots, and their River of Skulls red is outstanding).

3) Even AAA is getting in on the ghost hunting act. (I hope this trend moves to California's AAA).

5) We are now deconstructing Taylor Swift videos. The phrase, "They're burning all the witches" appears in her latest, and Twitter wants to know what it means.

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the fictional curator of the equally fictional San Benedetto Paranormal Museum.

Paranormal Museum cozy mysteries by Kirsten Weiss

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