Welcome to another week of the top five in paranormal news! It's a totally subjective ranking, but the supernatural is sort of subjective too.
1) And speaking of subjective, the debate over ghosts are real or hallucinations continues. And why do ghost stories go back centuries and cross cultures?
2) Is the Internet killing magic? This witch claims it is so.
3) California woman sues the state over their denial of the existence of Bigfoot. Such a litigious society we live in...
4) Totally true stories of cursed and haunted dolls! (Be sure to check out our creepy doll collection at the San Benedetto Paranormal Museum).
5) In India, eleven people were arrested for abusing women accused of witchcraft. Let's hope these modern day witch persecutions end soon.
About the Author
Maddie Kosloski is the fictional proprietor of the imaginary San Benedetto Paranormal Museum, aka The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum. The third book in the cozy mystery series, Deja Moo, launches March 8th.