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Paranormal News! 4 May 2018

Maddie Kosloski

the perfectly proper paranormal museum news

Happy May, Everyone! It's still a little foggy in San Benedetto, but any day now I know the weather will shift to brutally hot, so I'm kind of enjoying the spooky mist.

1) My own oddball career as paranormal museum curator aside, I don't think I could ever recommend someone get this particular college degree, but... paranormal studies is a thing.

3) Sometimes when photographing cemeteries, odd things happen. This man snapped a photo of... something... flying straight at his camera. Is it a ghost? You be the judge.

4) 5 museums for true crime enthusiasts to visit... and two of them are reputedly haunted. (The article doesn't say this, but Alcatraz is believed to be haunted as well).

5) The Denver Nuggets and Indiana Pacers cast curses at each other. This doesn't exactly seem like good sportsmanship, fellows.

About the Author

Maddie Kosloski is the fictional proprietor of the imaginary San Benedetto Paranormal Museum. You can read about her and the museum in The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum series of cozy mystery novels.

The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum

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