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Wednesday Writing Update

Snow, trees, and Red Rocks - image for my Wednesday Writing Update

Yes, I'm still here!

At the beginning of March, I sold my house in California and moved to Colorado. I spent the last few weeks house hunting, and I'm now in the process of closing on a mountain home. (Eeeep!).

I've managed to keep writing and editing, but things like blogging fell off the radar. I should be able to get back to a more regular schedule once I'm moved in to my new place.

So what's been happening? I've sent my 5th Pie Town manuscript to my editor at Kensington. I suggested Pumpkin Die for the title, and odds are high they're going to go with it. I'd kind of hoped they'd come up with something better. But apparently murder-y titles work better when you're selling murder mysteries, so even though this isn't as clever as Pie Hard, or Pies Before Guys (book 4, coming... sometime) it might be better.

In the meantime, I've started writing book 3 in my Wits' End cozy mystery series. It's tentatively titled At World's End, which I think makes a decent bookend to the first book in the series, At Wits' End.

This week I've started the final edits on Steeped in Murder, book 1 in my Tea and Tarot cozy mystery series. Plus, I'm editing a Tea and Tarot novella, Fortune Favors the Grave, and a Riga Hayworth novelette, The Melancholy Detective. These will be available exclusively to Raven(ous) Society members, aka newsletter subscribers. If you'd like to subscribe, you can sign up on my home page.

P.S. I'm going to be running another serial short story here in two weeks -- this time it's a Riga Hayworth.

The Melancholy Detective - cover

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