In honor of my Tea and Tarot and Wits' End cozy mysteries, which prominently feature breakfast baking, here's one of my favorite scone recipes!
Here are the directions:
Basic Scone Recipe:
2 C flour 1/3 C sugar 1 ½ tsp baking powder ½ tsp salt ½ c (one stick) unsalted butter, cold ½ C French vanilla coffee creamer
½ C shredded coconut ½ C dried cranberries
Preheat oven to 375 F. Line sheet with parchment (or as we did for the video, spray with cooking spray)
Place flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into bowl. Mix. Cut butter into pieces and add to dry ingredients. Pinch into flour, until mix resembles coarse sand. Add extras (coconut and cranberries) and mix Add creamer and mix Knead in bowl Make a ¾” thick round and place on cutting board or cookie sheet. Cut into pieces (the bigger the pieces, the longer you’ll have to bake)
Bake for 14 – 20 minutes
Best enjoyed while reading one of Kirsten's cozy mysteries. Optional: At Wit's End, Planet of the Grapes, Close Encounters of the Curd Kind, or my Tea and Tarot mystery, Steeped in Murder!