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Some Time Later is Live!

some Time Later steampunk

Some Time Later, Clockwork Alchemy's third steampunk anthology is now available at Amazon! And yes, the reason I'm blathering about it is because it features two of my steampunk short stories, featuring Ely Crane and a new heroine I plan to write more about, a medium named Persephone LaPorte. I'm really excited about being able to bring the American Spiritualist movement in to my writing (I've mentioned it in my Paranormal Museum series, but there's writing about it and then there's writing about it).

In Ely and the Medium, Ely's determined to expose Miss Persephone LaPorte as a fraud, but he discovers that not everything is it seems. And in Death Stalks Closer, Persephone has a vision of Ely's death, a vision she knows she can't stop, but she has to try.

To hear one of my stories from the previous anthology, Thirty Days Later, click HERE and scroll to the Thirty Days Later section near the bottom of the page.

Anyway, if you're in San Jose, CA over Memorial Day weekend, I'll be in Author's Alley at the Clockwork Alchemy convention signing books, so stop on by!

About the Author

Kirsten Weiss writes genre-blending cozy mystery, urban fantasy, and steampunk suspense, mixing her experiences and imagination to create a vivid world of magic and mayhem. If you’d like updates on sales and her latest books, follow her on Bookbub!

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